From the earliest days of Christianity, relics have been venerated by the faithful. This included items associated with Jesus as well as bones, clothing, and other items left behind by the martyrs and other saints. We are reminded of the beautiful passage in the Gospels of the miracle of the bleeding woman who was healed by her faith in the touching of Jesus’ cloak. nnDuring the Council of Trent, the Church confirmed that, “Veneration ought to be shown by the faithful to the bodies of the martyrs and other saints, who live with Jesus Christ. For they were His living members and the temples of the Holy Ghost; he will raise them up again to eternal life and glory; and through them God grants many blessings to mankind.” is a ministry dedicated to spreading the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ by promoting the veneration of relics of Our Lord and the saints. We believe one of the best ways of doing this is making the relics available for public veneration and through the distribution of Third Class Relics, such as holy cards, at little to no charge.
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