By displaying the Celebrate Humility Month Yard Sign and Auto Window Sticker you can peacefully display your opposition to the blasphemous outrage of “celebrating” mortally sinful sex acts that are now directed primarily at our youth.
“I will humble myself more for those virtues which I lack than pride myself on those I possess.” – Saint Augustine
We Believe Our Lady is calling us to defend her son
“There never can have been, and never can be, and there never shall be any sin without pride.” – Saint Augustine
What better way to Celebrate Humility Month then read one of the most treasured works on the subject ever written — Humility of Heart? This Compleat Edition is part of your Celebrate Humility Month Kit and also available separately here.
Cardinal Merry del Val’s “Litany of Humility” Prayer is said to be one of the most difficult to say regularly but also the most beneficial in seeking that most elusive of virtues, Humility. Its also included in your Celebrate Humility Month Kit.